D.C. 大澳博app公会常务委员会

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D.C. 酒吧是由下列委员会完成的. Appointments to these committees as well as designation of chairs are made by the 酒吧 president with the confirmation of the 董事会 of Governors. 例外情况是澳博app/客户仲裁委员会, 法律操守委员会, 和专业行为规则审查委员会, 由理事会选举产生.

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审计委员会对审计署进行独立监督.C. 酒吧和D.C. 酒吧公益中心的财务报告, 内部控制, 以及审计功能, 我代表世行理事会.C. 澳博app和D.C. 酒吧公益中心.


预算委员会协助美国联邦储备银行理事会.C. 澳博app和D.C. 酒吧公益中心 in its duty to make appropriations and authorize disbursements from the funds of D.C. 酒吧和D.C. 酒吧公益中心(统称, (以下简称“本组织”), 以及对, 本组织的业务和资本项目预算. The committee helps identify and allocate resources to meet organizational and program objectives and satisfy the 董事会’s fiduciary duties to responsibly use of member license fees.


The 执行委员会 is authorized to exercise all the powers and perform all the duties of D.C. 澳博app公会理事会(“理事会”)定期会议之间, 但委员会不得, 除非董事会另有授权, (a)修订附例, (b)制订有关提名或选举的规则或条例, 或(c)发起对澳博app公会成员进行公民投票或投票. 委员会还应履行董事会要求的职责.


投资委员会协助美国开发银行的理事会.C. 澳博app和D.C. 酒吧 Pro骨中心的职责是监督D.C. 酒吧和D.C. 酒吧公益中心的(集体, (“本组织”)投资事项监测, 回顾, and reporting on the Organization’s investment activities and performance; as well as on the activities, 服务, and advice provided or facilitated by any independent investment advisers engaged by the Organization.


筛选委员会向银行理事会建议.C. 除非委任合资格人士担任某些D.C. 澳博app公会委员会和委员会或组织的董事会.C. 澳博app公会的法定职责是任命或推荐会员. The Committee recommends the appointment of qualified individuals to the following entities:

  1. 社区法律服务项目
  2. D.C. 司法提名委员会
  3. D.C. 司法残疾和任期委员会
  4. 澳博app/客户仲裁委员会
  5. 专业行为规则审查委员会
  6. 法律操守委员会
  7. 哥伦比亚特区澳博app基金会
  8. 专业责任委员会
  9. 客户保障基金



The 澳博app/客户仲裁委员会 (ACAB) oversees a Fee Arbitration Service which includes a Voluntary Mediation Program. 费用仲裁服务机构对有关已支付费用的争议具有管辖权, 澳博app和他们的客户之间的法律服务的收费或索赔. 当澳博app被指定为被告时,它包括一个强制性程序, and for clients when named as respondents where the parties entered into a pre–dispute agreement to arbitrate fee disputes if the agreement complies with 法律伦理意见. It also includes a voluntary program when clients are named as respondents in the absence of a pre-dispute agreement between the parties addressing how fee disputes will be handled. The ACAB consists of 11 members — seven active members of the 酒吧 and four nonlawyers. 咨委会大约举行五至六次委员会会议, 一次仲裁员培训, 每年接待仲裁员和调解员1人.


社区委员会负责监督特区政府的运作.C. 酒吧 社区 Program which advances the professional development and competence of members of D.C. 酒吧 by delivering high-quality educational programming and professional networking opportunities. 该委员会是D .和D .之间的联络实体.C. 澳博app公会理事会 and the voluntary 社区; ensures compliance of 社区 and their steering committees with 社区 Policies and Procedures; and advises D.C. 关于管理和编程的酒吧 社区员工.


The 持续法律教育委员会 oversees District of Columbia 酒吧 继续法律教育 Program and the education component of the 强制性的课程 on D.C. 职业行为规则和哥伦比亚特区执业. 委员会评估课程建议, 发展课程思路, 并推荐课程主席和教员.



The 治理委员会 reviews District of Columbia Court of Appeals 规则 Governing District of Columbia 酒吧, D.C. 澳博app章程,以及D.C. 澳博app手册,并根据需要提出修改意见. 委员会检讨劳工处的其他政策及程序.C. 酒吧和D.C. 澳博app事务所公益服务中心应D.C. 澳博app或董事会的D.C. 酒吧公益中心.


法律实践创新委员会, 前身为全球法律实践委员会, studies issues arising from globalization in the practice of law that have a significant impact on law practice for D.C. 澳博app公会及其会员. The committee makes recommendations concerning the changing models for obtaining and delivering legal 服务 in the United States and abroad. 这些模型包括但不限于, 替代法律服务提供者, 业务结构, 多学科的实践, 非传统法律业务融资, and regulatory innovations for the protection of consumers of legal 服务.


The 司法评价委员会 conducts annual confidential evaluations of selected judges on District of Columbia Court of Appeals and the Superior Court of District of Columbia by way of an online survey instrument. The committee’s purpose is to create a fair, secure, and anonymous tool for D.C. 解析:选D.C. 法院法官,并将该反馈意见提供给首席法官.C. 法院与法院.C. 司法残疾和任期委员会. The committee uses an independent consultant to administer the survey to streamline the survey process and provide a secure and anonymous method of evaluation, 从而鼓励坦诚的回应,并接触到更广泛的参与者.


The 澳博app援助计划 (LAP) assists individuals with substance abuse, 心理健康(包括压力), and emotional problems that interfere with their professional or personal lives. 谘询小组的服务可供民政事务处的成员使用.C. 酒吧, 在哥伦比亚特区内任何法院任职的法官, 申请入读D.C. 酒吧, and law students enrolled in law schools located in District of Columbia if they have stated the intent to apply for D.C. 酒吧会员. 澳博app协助委员会成员处理政策问题, 帮助外联, 找出改进项目的方法.


The 领导力发展委员会 oversees District of Columbia 酒吧 John Payton 领导 Academy (“Academy”) and its education component. The committee assists with outreach and recruitment for the Academy and nurtures the continued leadership development of Academy alumni within D.C. 澳博app协会和法律界. The committee also assesses the need for and develops and promotes additional leadership training opportunities.


The 法律操守委员会 issues formal opinions on questions arising under D.C. 职业行为准则. D.C. 澳博app公会理事会 typically appoints lawyers with experience in legal ethics including teaching, 为某人的公司或代理提供建议的, 撰写和/或担任相关委员会成员.


The 提名委员会 presents a slate of candidates to the membership in accordance with the procedures set forth in District of Columbia 酒吧 Bylaws. 委员会积极招募及征求资历良好及合资格的医生.C. 酒吧 members as nominees to run for election for the 董事会 of Governors of D.C. 澳博app和D.C. 酒吧公益中心美国澳博app协会众议院代表.


《澳博app下载网》审查委员会审查D.C. 《澳博app》(“D.C. 规则”). 根据自身的倡议,或应世行理事会的要求.C. 澳博app协会(“董事会”)的成员.C. 酒吧, 法院, 或者公众, the committee examines a particular rule or rules and may make recommendations to the 董事会. The committee also reviews changes to the ABA Model 职业行为准则 proposed and adopted by the American 酒吧 Association and considers related developments or events that may warrant changes to D.C. 规则.



公益委员会向美国澳博app协会的董事会提供建议.C. 澳博app协会无偿服务中心,并提供自愿监督.C. 酒吧公益中心的活动包括, 但不限于, 它的诊所, 项目, 项目, 社区外展活动, 筹款活动, 以及财务事务.
