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规则 of Professional Conduct

规则2.3: Evaluation for Use by Third Persons

   (b)当澳博app知道或合理地应该知道评估可能对客户的利益产生重大不利影响时, 未经委托人知情同意,澳博app不得提供评估.
   (c)除非授权披露与评价报告有关, information relating to the evaluation is otherwise protected by 规则1.6.


   [1]评估可以在客户的指示下进行,也可以在客户为进行代理而被默示授权的情况下进行. 看到 规则1.2. Such an evaluation may be for the primary purpose of establishing information for the benefit of third parties; for example, 根据卖主的要求,就物业的所有权提出的意见,以供准买主参考, 或者应借款人的要求提供潜在贷款人的信息. 在某些情况下, the evaluation may be required by a government agency; for example, 对依照证券法登记出售的证券的合法性提出意见. 在其他情况下, the evaluation may be required by a third person, such as a purchaser of a business.
   [2]法律评估应区别于对与澳博app没有客户-澳博app关系的人的调查. 例如, 买方聘请的分析卖方产权的澳博app与卖方没有客户-澳博app关系. 所以也, an investigation into a person’s affairs by a government lawyer, or by special counsel employed by the government, is not an evaluation as that term is used in this rule. 问题是澳博app是否被被调查的当事人所雇佣. When the lawyer is retained by that person, 对客户忠诚和保密的一般规则适用, which is not the case if the lawyer is retained by someone else. 因此,确定聘请澳博app的人是至关重要的. This should be made clear not only to the person under examination, but also to others to whom the results are to be made available.

Duties Owed to Third Person and Client
   [3]当评估是为了提供信息或供第三人使用时, a legal duty to that person may or may not arise. That legal question is beyond the scope of this rule. 然而, 因为这样的评估涉及到与正常的客户-澳博app关系的背离, careful analysis of the situation is required. 作为一项专业判断,澳博app必须确信进行评估与代表委托人承担的其他职能是相容的. 例如, 如果澳博app作为辩护人为客户就欺诈指控进行辩护, 澳博app就同一交易或有关交易为他人进行评价,通常是不符合这一责任的. Assuming no such impediment is apparent, 然而, 澳博app应就评估的影响向委托人提出建议, 特别是澳博app对第三人的责任和传播调查结果的义务.

Access to and Disclosure of Information
   [4]评价的质量取决于其所依据的调查的自由程度和范围. 通常情况下,作为职业判断,澳博app应该有任何必要的调查范围. 但是,在某些情况下,评价的条件可能是有限的. 例如, certain issues or sources may be categorically excluded, 或者因时间限制或者掌握有关资料的人不合作,限制搜查范围的. 对评价有重大影响的任何此类限制应在报告中加以说明. If after a lawyer has commenced an evaluation, 客户拒绝遵守被理解为进行评估的条款, the lawyer’s obligations are determined by law, 参考客户协议的条款和周围情况. 在任何情况下,澳博app都不允许在根据本规则提供评估时故意对重大事实或法律作出虚假陈述. 看到 规则4.1. 如果澳博app得知客户在犯罪或欺诈中使用或将要使用评估, the lawyer may have a duty under 规则4.1(b) to take action to avoid assisting in the crime or fraud.

Obtaining Client’s Informed Consent
   [5] Information relating to an evaluation is protected by 规则1.6. 在很多情况下, providing an evaluation to a third party poses no significant risk to the client; thus, 澳博app可以被默示授权披露信息以进行代理. 见规则1.6(a). 在哪里, 然而, 提供评估很可能会对客户的利益产生重大不利影响, 澳博app必须在充分告知委托人可能对其利益产生的重大影响之后,首先征得委托人的同意.看到规则1.6(a)和1.0(e).

Financial Auditors’ Requests for Information
   [6]当客户的财务审计师提出有关客户法律状况的问题时,该问题被提交给澳博app, 澳博app可以按照法律界公认的程序进行答辩. 这种程序在美国澳博app协会关于澳博app回应审计人员索取信息要求的政策声明中有所规定, 1975年通过.
