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规则3.3 .对法庭坦诚

 (a) A lawyer shall not knowingly:
       (一)向法庭陈述虚假事实或者法律的,或者对澳博app先前向法庭陈述的重大事实或者法律的虚假陈述不予改正的, 除非更正需要披露规则1所禁止的资料.6;
       (2)在明知是犯罪或欺诈的情况下,为当事人提供咨询或协助, 但是,澳博app可以与客户讨论任何拟议的行为过程的法律后果,并可以为客户提供咨询或协助客户作出善意的努力来确定其有效性, 范围, 意义, 法律的适用;
       (3) Fail to disclose to the tribunal legal authority in the controlling jurisdiction not disclosed by opposing counsel and known to the lawyer to be dispositive of a question at issue and directly adverse to the position of the client; or
       (四)提供澳博app明知是虚假的证据,但第(二)款规定的除外。. A lawyer may refuse to offer evidence, other than the testimony of a defendant in a criminal matter, that the lawyer reasonably believes is false.

   (b)打算提供澳博app知道是假的证据的证人是澳博app的客户,并且是刑事案件中的被告, the lawyer shall first make a good-faith effort to dissuade the client from presenting the false evidence; if the lawyer is unable to dissuade the client, the lawyer shall seek leave of the tribunal to withdraw. 澳博app不能劝阻委托人或者撤回而不致对委托人造成严重损害的, the lawyer may put the client on the stand to testify in a narrative fashion, 但是,澳博app不得询问委托人,以逼供其明知是虚假的证言, 不得在结案辩论中对委托人证词的证明价值提出异议.
   (d)澳博app收到明确证实法庭发生欺诈行为的资料后,应迅速采取合理的补救措施, 包括在第1条所允许的范围内向审裁处披露.6(d).


   [1] This rule defines the duty of candor to the tribunal. 见规则1.0(l) for the definition of “tribunal.该规则也适用于澳博app在根据仲裁庭的裁决权力进行的辅助诉讼中代表委托人的情况, 比如沉积. 在与法庭打交道时,澳博app还必须遵守规则1的一般要求.2(e)及(f). 然而, an advocate does not vouch for the evidence submitted in a cause; the tribunal is responsible for assessing its probative value.

   [2] An assertion purported to be made by the lawyer, as in an affidavit by the lawyer or in a statement in open court, 只有当澳博app知道该断言是正确的,或者在合理勤奋的调查基础上相信该断言是正确的,才可以恰当地提出吗. 在某些情况下,未作出披露可能等同于肯定的失实陈述. 如果澳博app知道澳博app之前向法庭所作的重要事实或法律陈述是虚假的, the lawyer has a duty to correct the statement, 除非改正需要披露规则1所禁止的资料.6. This provision in paragraph (a)(1) differs from ABA Model 规则3.第3(a)(1)条,要求澳博app披露受规则1保护的信息.6 if necessary to correct the lawyer’s false statement. 规则1.6 permits a lawyer to disclose a client confidence or secret, D.C. 规则3.3(a)(1)要求澳博app在合理必要的范围内披露该信息,以纠正对重大事实或法律的虚假陈述. D中没有.C. 规则3.3(a)(1) limits any disclosure duty under Rule 4.(b)当实体法要求澳博app披露客户信息以避免被视为协助客户犯罪或欺诈时. The obligation prescribed in 规则1.2(e)不建议客户实施或协助客户实施欺诈适用于诉讼,但受规则3的约束.3(b)及(d). Regarding compliance with 规则1.2(e), see the 评论 to that Rule. 另请参阅 规则8.4.

   [3]基于故意对法律作虚假陈述的法律论证构成对法庭的不诚实. A lawyer is not required to make a disinterested exposition of the law, but must recognize the existence of pertinent legal authorities. 此外, as stated in subparagraph (a)(3), 辩护人有义务直接披露对方尚未披露的、对争议问题具有决定性的控制管辖权中的不利权力. 其基本概念是,法律论证是寻求确定适当适用于案件的法律前提的讨论.

   [4]澳博app知道证据是假的,但提供证据的人不是当事人, the lawyer must refuse to offer it regardless of the client’s wishes. 这一义务的前提是澳博app作为法院工作人员有义务防止事实审判官被虚假证据误导. 澳博app提供证据以证明证据的虚假性的,不违反本条规定.
   [5] When false evidence is offered by the client, 然而, 澳博app为客户所披露的信息保密的义务与向法庭坦白的义务之间可能会产生冲突. Upon ascertaining that material evidence is false, 澳博app应设法说服当事人不应提供证据, 如果有的话, that its false character should immediately be disclosed. Regardless of the client’s wishes, 然而, 澳博app知道委托人的证据是虚假的,不得提供证据, 除非客户是刑事案件的被告,否则(b)款允许的范围除外. 澳博app不仅有义务根据(a)(4)项拒绝提供虚假证据,而且如果提供了虚假证据,也有义务根据(d)项采取合理的补救措施.
   [6]禁止提供虚假证据的规定只有在澳博app知道证据是虚假的情况下才适用. 澳博app知道证据是假的,可以从情况中推断出来. 看到 规则1.0(f). 因此, 尽管澳博app应解决对证词或其他有利于当事人的证据的真实性的怀疑, the lawyer cannot ignore an obvious falsehood.
   [7]尽管第(a)款第(4)项禁止澳博app仅在其知道证据是虚假的情况下提供证据, 它还允许澳博app拒绝提供澳博app合理认为是虚假的证词或其他证据. 提供这种证据可能会对澳博app辨别证据质量的能力产生不利影响,从而损害澳博app作为辩护人的效力. 因为历史上为刑事被告提供的特殊保护, 然而, 这条规则不允许澳博app拒绝提供这种客户的证词,如果澳博app有理由相信但不知道证词将是虚假的. Unless the lawyer knows the testimony will be false, the lawyer must honor the client’s decision to testify.

   [8] (d)款规定,如果澳博app得知法庭上发生了欺诈行为, the lawyer must take reasonable remedial measures. If the lawyer’s client is implicated in the fraud, the lawyer should ordinarily first call upon the client to rectify the fraud. 如果委托人不愿意这样做,澳博app应该考虑其他补救措施. 但是,澳博app不得披露在其他方面受规则1保护的信息.6, 除非客户利用澳博app的服务进一步犯罪或欺诈,并且披露是规则1允许的.6(d). 在其他情况下, 澳博app可能在客户有机会提出虚假证据之前就知道客户的意图. 在这种情况下, paragraphs (a)(4) and (b) forbid the lawyer to present the false evidence, except in rare instances where the witness is the accused in a criminal case, the lawyer is unsuccessful in dissuading the client from going forward, 澳博app在不给委托人造成严重伤害的情况下无法退出. 另外,规则1.6(c)当澳博app得知可能在法庭上发生欺诈行为时,可允许披露委托人的机密和秘密, 例如, bribery or intimidation of witnesses. The terms “criminal case” and “criminal defendant” as used in 规则3.第3条及其评注包括少年犯罪诉讼程序和该诉讼程序的当事人.

Perjury by a Criminal Defendant
   [9] (b)款允许澳博app允许刑事案件中的被告客户在非常有限的情况下以非常有限的方式提供虚假证词. 即使在刑事案件中,澳博app也必须设法说服被告-委托人不要作伪证. 当这种劝说失败时,关于澳博app的义务存在争议. (b)款要求澳博app撤回而不是提供客户的虚假证词, if this can be done without seriously harming the client.
   [10]〔10〕对委托人造成严重损害,足以使澳博app不能回避,这比通常回避所必然造成的不便还要多, 如延迟结案或增加结案费用. 只有在案件的特殊情况使客户受到严重损害时,才应狭义地解释该条款,以排除撤回, 例如以明示或暗示的方式泄露受规则1保护的资料.6. 如果与委托人的对峙发生在审判前,澳博app通常可以回避. 撤军 before trial may not be possible, 然而, either because trial is imminent, 或者是因为与当事人的对质要等到开庭后才会发生, or because no other counsel is available. 在极少数情况下,不可能在不严重损害客户利益的情况下撤回, 受(b)段的限制,澳博app可继续对委托人进行审查并进行结案辩论。.

Refusing to Offer Proof of a Non-client Known to Be False
   [11]一般来说, a lawyer may not offer testimony or other proof, 通过非客户端, that the lawyer knows to be false. 此外, 澳博app知道委托人的证据是虚假的,不得提供证据, 除非客户是刑事案件的被告,否则(b)款允许的范围除外.

   [12]需要对与诉讼有关的犯罪和欺诈行为采取合理补救措施的义务规定一个切实可行的时限. 诉讼的终结是义务终止的适当的、合理的确定点. 经上诉维持终审判决或者过了复核时间的,即为本条所指的诉讼终结. If the lawyer withdraws before the conclusion of the proceeding, the lawyer’s obligation ends at the time of withdrawal.

   [13]澳博app遵守这一规则所规定的诚实义务,可能要求其退出代理客户. The lawyer may, 然而, be required by 规则1.16(a)如果澳博app没有遵守本规则的诚实义务,则请求法庭准许其撤回, or with the requirements of 规则1.6(c),导致澳博app无法按照本规则代表客户. 参见规则1.16(b)在何种情况下,澳博app将获准寻求法庭的回避许可. 以委托人的不当行为为前提提出的撤回请求, 澳博app只能在规则1允许的范围内透露与代理有关的资料.6.
